About Me
- Hi, I am Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at UIUC advised by professors R Srikant and Rasoul Etesami. My current research focus is on Reinforcement Learning to provide approximate algorithms for Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (POMDPs) with applications focused on Inventory Control Systems and Robotics. During my PhD, I have also worked on designing data markets to model the privacy-utility tradeoff in differentially private training of machine learning models.
- Before joining UIUC, I worked as a quantitative researcher in the high-frequency equities team at Quadeye Securities, where I designed profitable and efficient algorithmic trading strategies using finance, statistics, and machine learning. I also have a strong background in electrical engineering and computer science, having completed my B.Tech (with honors) in electrical engineering with a minor in computer science and engineering from IIT Bombay. During my undergrad, I briefly worked in compressed sensing and radar signal processing.
- September, 2024: Paper accepted for invited talk at IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2024 Milan.
- March, 2024: Received the prestigious James M. Henderson fellowship
- October, 2023: Passed my Qualifying Exam!
- August, 2022: Started my journey as a PhD student at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
- June, 2021: Started working as a Quantitative Researcher in the High Frequency Equities team at Quadeye Securities
- August, 2020: Received the Institute Technical Special Mention for contributing to the technical sphere of IIT Bombay through my affiliation with the IITB Mars Rover Team
- March, 2020: Journal paper titled “Generalized Fractional Ambiguity Function and Its Applications” was accepted to Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, Springer (CSSP)
- February, 2020: Paper titled “Generalized Fractional Matched Filtering and Its Applications” was accepted to the National Conference on Communications, 2020. (NCC 2020)
- December 2019: Received IRCC award for contribution to research in the field of Radar Signal Processing.
- June, 2019: Received the Undergraduate Research Award (URA-01) for contribution to the development of indigenous MRI technology being developed at IIT Bombay