About Me

  • Hi, I am Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at UIUC advised by professors R Srikant and Rasoul Etesami. I explore the intersection of privacy-preserving machine learning and game theory. My research aims to understand the impact of privacy-preserving techniques on the performance of machine learning models and to provide theoretical interpretations of machine learning models.

  • Before joining UIUC, I worked as a quantitative researcher in the high-frequency equities team at Quadeye Securities, where I designed profitable and efficient algorithmic trading strategies using finance, statistics, and machine learning. I also have a strong background in electrical engineering and computer science, having completed my B.Tech (with honors) in electrical engineering with a minor in computer science and engineering from IIT Bombay. During my undergrad, I briefly worked in compressed sensing and radar signal processing.


  • March, 2024: Received the prestigious James M. Henderson fellowship
  • October, 2023: Passed my Qualifying Exam!
  • August, 2022: Started my journey as a PhD student at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
  • June, 2021: Started working as a Quantitative Researcher in the High Frequency Equities team at Quadeye Securities
  • August, 2020: Received the Institute Technical Special Mention for contributing to the technical sphere of IIT Bombay through my affiliation with the IITB Mars Rover Team
  • March, 2020: Journal paper titled “Generalized Fractional Ambiguity Function and Its Applications” was accepted to Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, Springer (CSSP)
  • February, 2020: Paper titled “Generalized Fractional Matched Filtering and Its Applications” was accepted to the National Conference on Communications, 2020. (NCC 2020)
  • December 2019: Received IRCC award for contribution to research in the field of Radar Signal Processing.
  • June, 2019: Received the Undergraduate Research Award (URA-01) for contribution to the development of indigenous MRI technology being developed at IIT Bombay